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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary January 17, 2012
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. 51 January 17, 2012
Date 01/17/2012 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:00:27 AM Chairman White Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners White, Murdock and Skinner, Deputy County Attorneys James Greenbaum and Chris Gray, and Acting Clerk to the Board Veniece Lindemulder.
9:01:20 AM Chairman White Announcement: Reminder to the public that the meeting is being recorded, televised live by Bresnan Communications and streamed over the internet.
9:01:39 AM Chairman White There was no public comment on matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:01:58 AM Acting Clerk to the Board Veniece Lindemulder Read the consent agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims, 2. Approval of Asset Disposals for Rest Home - Arjo Century Tub and Sphygmomanometer - too old to repair, 3. Approval of Budget Transfer(s) for the Health Department - Human Services Division to Correct Budget Allocation, 4. Approval of Budget Transfer to New Account for the Facilities Department for Audible/Visual Alarm at Courthouse, 5. Decision on a Request for a Mortgage Exemption from Subdivision Review for Bockness, 6. Decision on a Request for a Relocation of Common Boundary Exemption from Subdivision Review for Reistad, 7. Approval of Asset Disposals for Rest Home - Arjo Century Tub and Sphygmomanometer - too old to repair (duplicate of #2)
9:03:18 AM   There was no public comment.
9:03:26 AM Commissioner Skinner Move to approve the consent agenda.
9:03:28 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:03:31 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:03:39 AM Commissioner White Public Hearing and Decision on an Interpretation of Use Classification in the Hyalite Zoning District for Hupka Concerning Caretaker Residence in the RR-5 Sub-District (Continued from 1/10/2012)
9:04:01 AM Planning Director Sean O'Callaghan Staff report
9:06:15 AM Deputy County Attorney James Greenbaum Comments
9:06:36 AM Planning Director Sean O'Callaghan Continued Staff report
9:14:41 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Sean O'Callaghan and James Greenbaum
9:15:57 AM Attorney Susan Swimley Presentation on behalf of client Connie Hupka
9:28:24 AM   There was no public comment.
9:28:37 AM   Board discussion
9:29:09 AM Commissioner Skinner I would move that caretaker dwellings be allowed as a conditional use in this zoning district.
9:29:14 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:29:16 AM   Board discussion/Findings including James Greenbaum
9:34:09 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:34:17 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision of an Appeal by Hupka of the Zoning Enforcement Agent's Determination Concerning Caretaker Residence in the Hyalite Zoning District (Continued from 1/10/2012)
9:34:53 AM Planning Director Sean O'Callaghan Staff report
9:44:29 AM Attorney Susan Swimley Presentation on behalf of client Connie Hupka
9:57:51 AM   There was no public comment.
9:58:08 AM Planning Director Sean O'Callaghan and Deputy County Attorney James Greenbaum Staff rebuttal
10:01:03 AM Attorney Susan Swimley Applicant rebuttal
10:03:47 AM Commissioner Skinner Comments, I would move to reverse the Zoning Enforcement Agent's interpretation in this matter.
10:04:34 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
10:04:38 AM   Board discussion
10:06:05 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:06:12 AM Chairman White Recess
10:15:04 AM Chairman White Reconvene to meeting. Public Hearing and Decision on Revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Gallatin County and the City of Bozeman Regarding Improvements to the Law and Justice Campus and Co-Location of Law Enforcement and Courts
10:15:54 AM David Weaver, CIP Committee Chairman Presentation
10:18:46 AM Chuck Winn, Assistant Bozeman City Manager Presentation
10:22:11 AM   There was no public comment.
10:22:24 AM   Board discussion
10:25:42 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to give direction to the Chairman to sign this MOU.
10:25:47 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
10:25:53 AM   Motion passed 2:1. Commissioner Murdock opposed.
10:26:10 AM Chairman White Presentation and Acceptance of Pogreba Field 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan (2012-2017)
10:26:25 AM Travis Eickman, Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Presentation
10:29:25 AM   Discussion and Questions
10:31:47 AM Public Comment Walter Brown
10:32:30 AM   Closed public comment.
10:32:33 AM Commissioner Murdock Comments, I move to recommend approval to the FAA of the 5-year Capital Improvements Plan that was presented to us.
10:32:51 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
10:32:55 AM   Board discussion including Deputy County Attorney Chris Gray
10:35:48 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:35:54 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on Applying for a Permanent Trail Easement to the Montana Department of Natural Resource Conservation Service in Partnership with the Gallatin Valley Land Trust for the Triple Tree Trail
10:36:08 AM Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris Introduction
10:37:23 AM Kelly Pohl, Gallatin Valley Land Trust PowerPoint Presentation
10:41:41 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Kelly Pohl and Deputy County Attorney Chris Gray
10:45:35 AM   There was no public comment.
10:45:44 AM   Board discussion including Kelly Pohl and Mike Harris
10:46:36 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we support applying for a permanent trail easement to DNRC in partnership with the GVLT for the Triple Tree Trail as proposed.
10:46:51 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
10:46:55 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:47:10 AM   Meeting adjourned.